TEDxYouth@Kumamoto 2022 speakers

TEDxYouth@Kumamoto 2022



サン村田(さんむらた) San Murata

バイオリニスト / 画家

1968年からカナダに渡り、画家/デザイナーとして活動しつつ、50歳よりジャズバイオリンを始める。 カナダの世界的ミュージシャンとの共演や多数のジャズフェスに出演し、毎年日本でも演奏を行っていた。

Violinist & Artist

San Murata moved to Canada in 1968 and started playing jazz violin at the age of 50 while working as a painter/designer. He performed with world-class musicians in the Canadian jazz world and at numerous jazz festivals and performed in Japan every year.
In 2020, at the same time, he was visiting Japan, a new type of coronavirus broke out and he was unable to return to Canada. While living in Japan, he began to feel uncomfortable with the Japanese culture of peer pressure and lack of respect for the individual.
While continuing to perform jazz music in Japan, he gradually realized that music is necessary for people to truly understand each other.
Music is a common language that allows people to understand each other regardless of country, language, culture, or gender.
He performs with the belief that there is something in the sound that can be felt without relying on words, as emotions are expressed directly from the heart through the hands.


松森 果林

前田 龍成(まえだ りゅうせい)Ryusei Maeda

研究者 / 科学アニメーションクリエイター

熊本大学大学院医学教育部でマウスの精子と卵子の生殖に関する研究を行う。同時に、「サイエンスとデジタル技術の融合研究により、サイエンスに新たな価値を創造できる」という考えのもと、研究室VISIONやサイエンスアニメーションを制作し、研究への理解を深め、サイエンスをより身近なものにする。さらに2021年には、「好奇心を探求し、失敗を恐れず学びを残せる場を作りたい」という想いから、学生向けの科学実験室「シコウサクゴLAB」を開設。世代を超えて "明日から実験に行こう!"と言葉を交わす世界を目指し、今日も様々な世代の好奇心を惹きつける実験を提供している。


Researcher / Scientific Animation Creator

Maeda Ryusei conducts research on reproduction of mouse sperm and eggs at the graduate school. At the same time, he produced a VISION of the laboratory and scientific animations based on the idea that "new value can be created in science through fusion research of science and digital technology," to improve the understanding of research and make science more accessible to the public. Furthermore, in 2021, he opened the science laboratory "Sikousakugo LAB" for students with the idea of "creating a place to explore curiosity and leave learning without fear of failure. He is offering experiments that attract the curiosity of various generations today, aiming for a world where people of all ages exchange the words "Let's go to experimenting tomorrow!"


東濱 孝明

東濱 孝明(ひがしはま たかあき)Takaaki Higashihama

Sustainable Japan株式会社 代表取締役社長

熊本を拠点とする株式会社Sustainable Japanの代表取締役社長である東濱貴明は、幼い頃から地元で美しい海を見て育ってきた。 時代と共に子供の頃の美しい海の姿から変わりゆく海を子供たちに残したくないという思いから、株式会社Sustainable Japanを設立。海洋汚染の問題は世界的に大きな問題となっているが、私たちの身近な問題になっているとは言い難い。海洋汚染問題を解決するために、私たちは何を考えるべきなのか、活動を続ける彼は私たちに問いかける。


President, Sustainable Japan Co.

Higashihama Takaaki president of Kumamoto-based Sustainable Japan Co. He has seen the beautiful ocean since he was a child and established Sustainable Japan Inc. because he does not want to leave a changing ocean to his children. The problem of marine pollution has become a major issue around the world, but it has not yet become an issue close to our hearts. What should we think about in order to solve the problem of marine pollution, he asks us as he continues his activities.



宮川 将人

成澤 俊輔(なりさわ しゅんすけ)Shunsuke Narisawa



Management Consultant

SHUNSUKE Narisawa, under the catchphrase "the world's brightest visually impaired person," has accompanied more than 60 companies and projects in Japan and abroad as a management consultant. He has managed several corporations for more than 10 years, and now mainly interacts with business owners to help them recapture their lives and management. He considers his blindness to be a strength, and takes on various challenges that only he can. His positive attitude toward the "things that cannot be helped" and the way of thinking to change one's life for the better has influenced many people, including managers, people with disabilities, and students.